- 周邊活動Tourist Attractions
- 王功漁港Wanggong Fishing Port
王功漁港Wanggong Fishing Port
♥ 王功漁港Wanggong Fishing Port ♥
The distinct landmark of Wanggong – Fangyuan Lighthouse – can be seen on Yanhai Rd. along Provincial Highway 17.
Fangyuan Lighthouse was constructed in 1978. The tower measures 37.4m tall, and the light is 35.7m tall. The tower consists of an octagonal shaped SRC structure that is painted in black and white vertical stripes. The class 4 electric lamp emits light in 10-second intervals (5 seconds lit and 5 seconds dark); measured at 28,000cd, the power of the lamp is equivalent to 1,000w. Consisting of a generator room, warehouse, and dormitory, etc. The international lighthouse falls under the jurisdiction of Keelung Customs, Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance.
過去「王功漁火」曾是彰化八景之一,近年來漁船減少,盛況不復見。不過,來到海邊,爬上王功漁港觀景台一覽漁港,漲潮前,一艘艘舢板載著蚵仔回港,滿載而歸淺灘潮間帶可見彈塗魚、招潮蟹,幸運的話在泥土間會摸到蛤仔。 沿著芳苑燈塔後方堤岸道路,往新寶村方向走,是彰化縣農業局多年復育成功的大片紅樹林,約1公尺高的紅樹林裡有白鷺鷥等水鳥棲息,是很棒的自然生態教室。
“Fishing boat lights of Wanggong” is one of the 8 major scenic views in Changhua. In recent years, the number of fishing boats has declined and the sight is also gradually disappearing into history. However, one can catch a commanding view of the fishing port at the Wanggong Fishing Port observation deck by the ocean. Before the tide rises, a fleet of sampans will return to the port bearing oysters, and you will see mudskippers and fiddler crabs at the tidal flat. If you are lucky, you may even catch clams in the mud. Follow the embankment road behind Fangyuan Lighthouse and head towards Xinbao Village, you will reach the large expanse of mangroves restored by Changhua County Department of Agriculture over a period of many years. Egrets and other aquatic birds can be seen resting in the 1m tall mangroves, making it a wonderful classroom for natural ecology.
Fresh seafood, asparagus, peanut, and oyster are the specialty products of Wanggong. There are numerous restaurants situated next to the Wanggong seawall. Oyster fritter fried patties are available on Wanggong gourmet street on Fanghan Rd. With aromatic, crunchy crust, the patrons can choose from a number of fillings: leeks, oysters, pork, or squid. This is complemented by stir-fried asparagus, oyster soup, or salt stir-fried peanuts from various stores, each offering its unique flavor.
王者之弓橋-絕讚的觀夕照據點,夕陽緩緩從「王者之弓」落下,晚霞照在情人的身影上彷彿在見證一段浪漫的愛情故事,這是王者之弓最美的一刻。 王者之弓橋位於漁港出海口,港區的南緣,為一座跨港景觀橋,其造型係以本地地名「王功」引申「王者之弓」構思。王者之弓橋橋長82公尺,寬4.5公尺拱頂高20公尺,橋版面最高8公尺。橋樑材質採用最容易塑形之鋼料,呈現幾何之美,塑造彰化海岸地區性景觀為意象。生態景觀橋-榮獲國際性建築大獎,乍看之下,彷彿是大白鷺展翅高飛。這座橋設計 「強調人性關懷、光線和風的互動」,並榮獲國際性建築大獎 -遠東建築獎,是國際觀光客必訪之處呢! 從橋上不僅可遠眺後港溪出海口的潮汐變化及王功夕照,也可觀賞到相當豐富的濕地生態景觀,已成為王功景觀新地標。
Royal Arch Bridge – Perfect venue for viewing sunset; as the sun slowly sets over “Roya Arch”, couples basking in the afterglow bear witness to romantic stories. This is the most beautiful moment at Royal Arch. Royal Arch Bridge is located at the estuary, south of the fishing port. The landscape bridge spans across the port and its shape is inspired by the name of the region “Wanggong”, which translates to “Royal Arch”. The Royal Arch Bridge is 82m long, 4.5m wide and the peak of the arch is 20m tall, while the paved surface of the bridge is 8m tall. Constructed from the most malleable material – steel, the bridge represents geometric aesthetics and embodies the regional landscape of Changhua’s coastal area in its imagery. The Ecological Landscape Bridge has received international architecture award. At first glance, it appears to be a great egret spreading its wings ready to soar into the sky. The bridge’s design emphasizes “Humanity and interaction between light and wind”, earning it the Far Eastern Architectural Design Award, making it an essential destination for international tourists! From the bridge, one can not only admire the changes in tide at the Hougang Estuary and sunset over Wanggong in the distance, the rich wetland ecological landscape-a new landmark in Wanggong-can also be seen from the bridge.
The Ecological Landscape Bridge is located on Hougang River just south of the fishing port, approximately 400m away from the its entrance. Inaugurated on October 25, 2004, the landscape bridge is 97.5m long, 2.5-3.5m wide. The design theme is inspired by humanity and the interaction between light and wind. The bridge adopts a combination of arches and folded plates to create the succinct shape. The main structure consists of steel reinforced concrete (SRC), and a sense of power is conveyed through the arch shape. Painted steel panels are used as the primary covering material, and the dynamic folding variations create an interesting look, while the glass installations shelter pedestrians from strong winds. The floor is paved with southern pine to create a friendly, natural ambiance. Information courtesy of: Taiwan Changhua Fisheries Association 2006, Wanggong Yuhuo Fishing Port promotional brochure.
The bridge adopts a combination of arches and folded plates to create the succinct shape. The main structure consists of SRC, and a sense of power is conveyed through the arch shape. Painted steel panels are used as the primary covering material, and the dynamic folding variations create an interesting look, while the glass installations shelter pedestrians from strong winds. The floor is paved with southern pine to create a friendly, natural ambiance. Information courtesy of: Changhua County, Changhua Fisheries Association 2006, Wanggong Yuhuo Fishing Port promotional brochure.
王功漁港夕照Sunset over Wanggong Fishing Port
景點地址Resort address :
No.900, Yugang Rd., Fangyuan Township, Changhua County, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
旅遊叮嚀Reminders on traveling:
Please pay attention to safety when experiencing the intertidal zone. For tidal information, please browse Central Weather Bureau’s Fishery/Tidal Forecast Section online.
交通部中央氣象局Central Weather Bureau
資料來源 :彰化縣政府 旅遊資訊網Travel in Changhua County